we will use value sets in two locations.
1) Concurrent Progam parameters
2) Flexfields
We are not providing any LOV, we can apply some format conditions as per that conditions user should enter the data
1) Once we create the Value set we can not Delete if we would like to delete we have to release the value set from the all the concurrent program parameters then only we can delete.
2) Value set name is case sensitive
3) Once we create Value set we can use for multiple Program parameters.
System administrator => Application=>Validation=>set=>
Enter value set name
format type
max size
Select validation type = "None" to create None type of Value sets.
When we would like to provide list of values to the user then we will go for selection of Independent value set.where we will provide LOV. User must select the Value from the list otherwise values are not accepted.
Open the Value set form create value set by selecting the validation type=Independnent
Go to Values screen enter the value set name , Select Find Buttion
enter the values whatever we would like to display as LOV.
attach the value set to the Parameter.
1) Once we enter the values we can not delete instead of that we can disable by selecting the Enabled check box or Effective Dates.
Dependent value Set:
This is another LOV which will be used to displays the list of values which are depending on the previous parameter value.
Before going to create Dependent first we have to create Independent then we have to create Dependent
First parameter will be Independent Second parameter will be Dependent.
Note:Without Independent we can not create Dependent Value set.
Country IND
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Chikago California Anderson
London Hungrant
1) We have to create Independent value set and enter the values.
2) Create Dependent value set attach independent and then enter values.
Job Manager
Position Delivery Manager Project manager Financce manager
Software Developer Test Developer
Trainee Fresher
1)Open the Value set form create Value set by selecting the validation type =Independent
2)Open the Values screen enter the VAlues .
3)Open the value set form enter Dependent value set by select validation type=Dependent
Select the Button called Edit Information button enter the Independent value set
4)open the values form enter the Dependent value set=>Find
enter the values based on the Independent values.
Table Value set :
Table value set will be used to displays the list of values from the oracle apps base tables.
we have to give the table name and column name which will automatically displays the values.
Note: If values are not stored in the database table then we have to go for Independent value set.
If values are there in the table then we will create table value set.
1.Open the value set form Select validation type as table select the button called Edit Information enter table name and column name in the value field
2.Use where/Order By clause to implement Where/Order By clause.
3.Use Additional Columns field to displays extra columns for reference purpose.
4.Use the ID column to pass the internally other columns data for ex displaying username to the user and pass userID internally.
5.If multiple tables are required then enter the table names in the
table name field with alias name and enter the Join Condition in the
Where clause field.
6.If we know the table name we can find the Table application name from Application Developer responsibility
Application Developer => Application => Database => table
Query the records based on the table Name.
Note: If we are displaying additional Columns we are suppose to give the Alias Name
Translated Independent and Translated Dependent:
Both value sets will work like Independent and Dependent value sets will be used to displays the translation values which will be enabled. if there is multi language implementation.
Special and Pair:
Both Value sets will be used to displays the Flexfield data as LOV to
the User.